exhibitions > Bang On, Divine Hammer curated by Jenna Pirello (7/27 - 9/07 18)

Bang On, Divine Hammer

curated by Jenna Pirello

7/27 - 9/07 2018

Bang On, Divine Hammer is a reflection on the persistence of the maker. What materializes when an artist sifts through mental ups and downs, while simultaneously navigating a physical exploration of diverse media? Curated by painter Jenna Pirello, this exhibition opens July 27, 2018, and runs through September 7.


Meghan Brady / Sascha Braunig / Brandon Cox / Tracey Emin / Danny Ferrell / Chie Fueki / Fox Hysen / Haley Josephs / Elizabeth King / Dani Levine / Joshua Marsh / Jenna Pirello / Luke Rogers / Jessica Stockholder/ Emmy Thelander / Jon Weary / Stanley Whitney / Molly Zuckerman-Hartung